Meet Reb Staup of Homestead Forge n' Wood

Contact Homestead Forge n’ Wood
Reb Staup
1843 Ridge Rd
Westminster, MD 21157
[email protected]
Joseph C. “Reb” Staup is a native to Carroll County and grew up in Shipley, Maryland, just south of Westminster. He is also a veteran of the U. S. Airforce and has enjoyed history and the ability to make something out of raw material for most of his life. In the year 2000, Reb had the opportunity to join a Civil War reenactment group and become part of the time period. After doing portrayals of dismounted cavalry, medical, and living history as General Fitzhugh Lee, he finally settled into the art of blacksmithing in 2004. Working with fire and hot iron to create historical pieces for the reenactment community as well as those who love historical items and the outdoors. He continues participating in the period festivals and reenactments from the 1730 pirates through to the Civil War. He has been head blacksmith for the 1797 Union Mills Shriver Homestead located in Union Mills, MD, just north of Westminster, MD since 2005.
In 2012, while blacksmithing at an event in Brunswick, MD, he met members of the Mid Maryland Wood Turners Club and found he enjoyed working with wood. This new-found passion included carving bowls and utensils as well as turning wood on mechanical and foot powered lathes. He decided to add his talent for woodturning to his thriving blacksmithing business. Reb began including and selling his hand-made wood products at the historical events that he attends and on his webpage
Not only enjoying demonstrating the old world trades and crafts at different venues and shows, he has taught classes at the Union Mills Homestead and Carroll County Farm museum. He has
been a juried member of the Carroll Arts Centers Gallery of Gifts for many years as well as an Early American Life Craftsman in both metal and Wood for the Early American Life Magazine and other historical events.